Parent Category: Artificial Stone - Adhesives & additives Equipment Specifications
Category: Solid Surface Mixer | Cultured Marble Artificial Mixer | Quarts Mixer
Study of the difference between an artificial stone cultured marble & solid surface mixer with mixer of artificial stone facade & polymeric mosaic:
In order to produce various types of artificial stone, the need for a mixer is related to that technology. these mixers are based on the raw material used in the production of stone, the required rpm, the method of discharge and molding, the arms intended for better, sooner and later the loading of liquids or solids is designed.
For the production of artificial stone cultured marble-granite & solid surface (Artificial engineering stone), the vertical mixers are used and for the production of artificial stones NANO facade & polymeric mosaic (industrial-polymer artificial stones), PAN's design centrifugal mixers are used. in the production of artificial stone cultured marble and solid surface, first, fluids and NANO-materials and pigments and other materials (polymer materials and other materials that are considered as liquids) are loaded and combined, then, the other raw materials that we call solids (fillers and stabilizers) are added to the mixer. but in the PAN's design mixers, solids (aggregates and fillers and...) are combined together and then the liquids (polymeric materials and moisture and...) are added and combined.
The PAN layout mixers have special arms, but the vertical design mixer has screw blades (such as Ribbon Blender).
Therefore, due to the difference in the output round of these two mixers, differences in the type of arms, earlier and later loading of raw materials, differences in the type of solid materials and their meshing, differences in the type of polymer materials and other raw materials, the need to mix under vacuum or without vacuum and... it is not possible to use vertical mixers for the production of artificial stone facade &polymeric mosaic products, also can't be used PAN's design mixer for the production of cultured marble & solid surface.
*The most important reason for the inability to use the above mixers in other technologies: because of the difference in technology and raw materials, contamination of the residual materials of each of these products, in the mixer, in other technology it will be harmful (it will damage the material in other technology) therefore, you can't use a common mixer to produce both types of artificial stone.
Some companies may announce that they can produce both types of products with a production line. this can be because: the company does not have any information about the nature of the material or, just to advertise and sell machines, it's possible to use a production line for both technologies and that nothing but harm buyers and investors will not be followed.
Artificial stone facade & polymeric mosaic technology is a dirty work (with dust) and cultured marble-granite & solid surface technology is a clean job (dust-free in product production).