Parent Category: Artificial Stone - Adhesives & additives Equipment Specifications
Category: Mixer Cement plast Artificial Stone | Adhesive Pan Mixer
Twin mixer for produce artificial stone:
Each of the mixer machines upgradable 400 KG and mixers 205,300 KG non-upgradable, and special mixers can be converted to twin mixer using the cost of a 100 kg laboratory mixer.
In the automatic system of artificial stone NANO facade & mosaic polymer, creation of marble streaks with colored plates is easily possible, but in manual systems, this is possible by the manufacture of materials by two mixer machines (one main mixer and one laboratory mixer), Therefore, to create marble streaks in manual production lines with separate mixers there will be some dis-advantages which in order to solve this problem, artificial stone facade & mosaic polymer twin mixers are recommended.
Advantages of this work, higher capacity production due to the use of both mixers, use materials from the bottom mixer in the top mixer in similar veins, it is possible to use the materials individually with different compounds and ...
Practically the cost of a twin mixer will be obtained by adding the price of each of the main mixers and laboratory mixers. only a small fee for doing so must be obtained from the applicant.